May 1st. Beltaine holiday.
Translated, the word Beltaine means "Fires of Bel". Bel in this context is the Celtic Sun God, Belenus. So if we simplify it's "Solar Fire Festival".
"It was a time to honor fertility, love without limits, when young and old spent the night making love in the green woods. In the morning, they would return to their villages, carrying budding hawthorn sprigs and other flowers in their arms. They decorated themselves, their families and homes with them. On the way back, they would form a procession going home, stopping at each house on the way to leave flowers and enjoy the best food and drinks prepared by the hosts of the house. In each village, the Maypole was raised - usually a birch or ash stick - and dancing and feasting began. This festival was sponsored by the Queen of May and her husband, the King, who was often called Green John or Green Man, the old god of forests. They were carried through the village in a carriage decorated with flowers and seated on a green throne in a tree, as a divine couple, whose union symbolized the sacred marriage between Earth and Sun."