
We ship all over the world with Lithuanian Post with tracking. If you are making a larger order, please contact us ( in advance and we will try to get the best shipping price via courier companies.
If ordering from outside EEA, you will be responsible for customs taxes. There are certain items that cannot be sent to certain countries (e.g. all blue lotus products are banned in Latvia, Poland, Romania and Russia) - if you order something that is, to our knowledge, illegal in your country, we will contact you and offer a refund.

<100g <500g <2kg <5kg FREE (order sum above)
Lithuania OMNIVA 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 35€
Aland islands 6,75 7,35 10,75 32,35 110€
Albania 5,65 8,7 18,7 28,6 190€
Andorra 6,1 9,3 21,5 29,6 200€
Australia 8,15 13,45 49,15 124,55 500€
Austria 4,9 5,25 7,85 28,05 100
Belgium 3,8 5,05 14,35 35,85 150
Bosnia & Herzegovina 4,6 7,85 19,75 31,75 200
Bulgaria 1,9 8,35 17,2 27,7 150
Canada 5,4 10,95 34,75 72,55 380
Czechia 3,4 4,3 11,15 25,05 120
Croatia 3,1 6,6 15 24 150
Cyprus 4,5 7,25 18,4 28 170
Denmark 4,95 5,55 9,9 28,75 100
Estonia 3,6 4,45 7,5 7,5 75
Faroe Islands 8,1 12,9 26,65 43,75 250
Finland 5,05 5,6 9,6 30,35 100
France 4,6 5,15 9,15 29,6 100
Germany 4,35 4,8 8,45 16,3 100
Gibraltar 3,85 8,55 22,8 40,5 230
Greece 3,6 4,75 13,3 28,1 140
Guernsey 6,35 14,6 31,3 48,1 300
Hungary 3,5 4,45 11,25 32,5 120
Iceland 6,1 6,55 9,75 38,1 100
Ireland 5,95 6,75 12,55 27,55 130
Israel 4,8 8,65 20,25 31,95 200
Italy 5,55 6,15 10,5 29,75 110
Jersey 7,6 16,25 39,3 68,1 400
Kosovo 5,7 8,1 20,9 46,9 200
Latvia 3,55 4,35 5 50
Liechtenstein 4,7 8,25 17 25,4 150
Luxembourg 4,45 4,85 7,9 26,45 100
Malta 4,7 7,9 20,1 32,4 200
Moldova 4,65 7,95 25,15 43,15 250
Monaco 6,3 6,85 10,25 29,6 110
Montenegro 4,55 7,7 21,25 32,35 200
Netherlands 4,05 5,2 14 17,8 140
North Macedonia 4,7 8,15 18,6 30,3 190
Norway 5,4 6,25 12 40,25 120
Poland 3,8 4,75 12,15 30,8 130
Portugal 3,9 5 13,3 33,75 140
Portugal (Azores) 5,55 6,8 13,4 33,75 140
Portugal (Madeira) 5,55 7,7 23,55 33,75 240
Romania 3,05 4,05 11,05 41,35 120
San Marino 5,15 8,45 28,6 44,2 290
Serbia 4,5 7,55 21 30,9 210
Singapore 3,4 6,95 21,9 38,7 220
Slovakia 3,55 4,7 13,35 28,4 140
Slovenia 3,8 4,85 12,7 25,35 130
Spain 3,75 4,85 13,4 30,55 140
Spain (Balears) 5,4 6,6 13,1 30,55 140
Spain (Tenerife) 5,4 6,6 13,1 30,55 140
Sweden 4,55 5,25 10,7 33,2 110
Switzerland 7,35 7,75 10,45 27,9 110
Thailand 3,45 7,05 21,35 38,15 200
Turkey 4,25 7,55 25,75 40,45 250
Ukraine 5,2 6,4 15,4 43,55 160
United Kingdom 4,15 5,25 13,25 48,1 140
USA 6,95 10,2 32,35 76,15 300
Vatican city 5,2 10,15 24,5 39,5 250
Rest of the world* 7 12 35 70 N/A
EEA shipping takes 1-3 weeks, Worldwide shipping takes 2-6 weeks.

***Rest of the world: we advise contacting us at if you would like to order to a country that is not on our list and we will add it to the system with correct pricing, as well as a free shipping option. The Rest of the World pricing is more of a placeholder.

Please keep in mind that if you are ordering heavy and relatively inexpensive items (e.g. cacao, matcha, agua de florida) in bulk, we might be unable to offer free shipping even if it does come up as an option: in such case, we will get in touch and offer you a refund, or ask you to cover shipping fees.
For Latvia and Estonia: you can choose Omniva post box shipping (Price for Latvia: 5 euro, Price for Estonia 7.5 euro, there is postal option, which is cheaper for small parcels, but much more expensive for larger parcels. Post is slower and less reliable than omniva).